Hobby Room Re-boot… Pt1

So have been in our new house for two and a half years now, and what with babby on the way I’ve been rejigging my hobby room (for baby safety) and finally getting rid of the nasty brown walls (at least that’s what the wife calls them). Here is where I’m upto so far… along with my new toy that arrived ;)



About Nick

Who & Where? Me… sorry that doesn’t help! My name is Nick Brigg and i’m a gaming enthusiast in the Edinburgh area playing a variety of Wargames, Boardgames, Roleplay & LARPs on a regular basis. Currently I attend Edinburgh League of Gamers [elg] to get my weekly wargaming fix: http://elgamers.org/ What & Why? This blog is for me to share my enthusiam for the hobby, and in particular share my knowledge and experience of making wargames terrain and boards with the community. Hopefully improving the terrain which your playing on and making wargaming a prettier and more enjoyable experience.
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